
We specialize in getting skinny! Fat fish in skinny water is our passion. If you’ve ever experienced the wake busting, drag screaming, mud flinging fight of a redfish in ten inches of water, we bet you feel the same way.

Our Idea of the Perfect Saltwater Lure

Boca Chica Bait Company specializes in premium soft plastic lures for technical coastal anglers. Our original lure, the Flex Mullet, incorporates our unique flex-tail technology, designed to maximize action while still providing a soft plastic that can handle strike after strike. Holding both a Bachelors and Masters degree in fish biology and fisheries science, fishing, and more specifically, fish, is our passion. We know what it takes to develop a product that anglers want and fish love.

It's All About Estuarine Research and Coastal Conservation

The intersection of a growing human population and decreasing fisheries numbers due to overconsumption is making it increasingly more important to conserve our precious fishing grounds. Please join us in an effort to conserve the fisheries that we hold dear for generations to come.